Talking to your child about social media

In today’s world, social media is everywhere, and it’s a big part of how we connect and share stuff. But as a parent, talking to your kids about social media can feel like stepping into a whole new universe. Here are some tips to help you have that conversation:


  1. Start a Conversation:  Start by just chatting. Let your kids know they can talk to you about anything, including what’s up on social media. No judgment, just open ears.


  1. Safety First: Share the basics about staying safe online. Talk about privacy settings, not sharing personal stuff, and being careful about who they talk to. Make sure they know that what goes online stays online, so it’s important to think before hitting ‘post.’


  1. Set Some Ground Rules: Make some rules together about using social media. Maybe limit screen time or agree on which apps are okay. When they’re part of making the rules, they’re more likely to stick to them.


  1. Lead by Example: Show your kids how to use social media responsibly by doing it yourself. Be mindful of what you share and how you interact online. They’re watching, so be the role model you’d want them to follow.


  1. Encourage Curiosity: Help them think critically about what they see online. Talk about how not everything you see is true and how to spot fake news or ads. Encourage them to ask questions and be curious about the world around them.


  1. Keep an Eye Out: Stay in the loop about what your kids are up to online. Use parental controls or monitoring tools if you need to, but also respect their privacy. Let them know you’re there to help if they need it.


  1. Talk About Feelings: Social media isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. It can be a place for cyberbullying and other not-so-great stuff. Let your kids know it’s okay to talk about how they feel and that you’re there to support them no matter what.


  1. Stay Cool and Flexible: Social media changes faster than you can say ‘hashtag.’ Stay open to new platforms and trends, and be willing to tweak your approach as needed. It’s all about keeping the conversation going.


Having the social media talk with your kids doesn’t have to be awkward or formal. Just keep it real, stay open, and remember, you’re in this together!


If you would like to find out more about online safety, you can join our National College, ‘National Online Safety’ database using the link:

There is lots of information and workshops on this site, but we will also post some ideas for you to get you started. We also have the presentation provided for a recent workshop, which was led by one of our Primary teachers. 

Beyond The Screen A Workshop On Digital Parenthood