A few words for the end of the year

Dear Parents and Students,

As the year draws to a close, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey we have shared and to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support and trust.

This year has been filled with significant achievements and milestones for our school. We have successfully navigated the complexities of our building construction and have seamlessly moved into our new third floor. We also hosted an enriching MSA/IB multi-programme visit  and celebrated our community with two vibrant opening ceremonies. All of this, along with our daily commitment to education, has contributed to a truly impactful year.

It is important to recognise that the success of our students is a collective effort, a partnership between our educators and families. This ongoing journey of nurturing and educating children is enriched by our shared commitment and collaboration. Thank you for entrusting us with the care and education of your children, and it is our privilege to guide them as they develop skills for a world beyond our school walls.

In a rapidly changing world, the constants of friendship, love and trust remain ever important.
These principles that we uphold and teach in our school reflect the values that you cherish and nurture in your families.

As this year comes to a close, let’s embrace gratitude and kindness. Let’s appreciate our health, our friendships and the love of our families – treasures that are priceless and nurtured by time, love and patience. This holiday season, I encourage you to create beautiful moments with your loved ones, to set aside the distractions of the world and to cherish time together.

I wish each of our families and students a restful and joyful winter break and a Happy New Year,

Ebru Güver